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A poem by Simon Tester

Looking Directly At The Sun

The burning is real, this pain that I feel.

Take me to hospital, I need a doctor

I’m not joking, my eyes are smoking

Take me to hospital, I need a doctor

I think I’ve gone blind, this can’t be what God had in mind

Take me to hospital, I need a doctor

Please drive faster and go and fetch my pastor

Take me to hospital, I need a doctor

According to Dan, this must be God’s plan.

Take me home, I’m now a blind man.

The Story

This poem captures the time when I decided to view a solar eclipse, unfortunately, I misread the date and time of the eclipse, and instead found myself staring directly at the sun for a considerable amount of time. This left me with impaired sight for a number of weeks. People claim the sparkle and glint that they now see in my eyes may be as a result of this event.

“Believe me, I’ve seen Simon do some dumb shit in my time, but this was stupid even for him”.

Gareth Cotter