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A poem by Simon Tester

I Can’t Believe I Wrote This

I can’t believe I wrote this,

Every word, so perfect and focused,

Handsome genius, is the ladies diagnosis,

the opposite of homeless,

I can’t believe I wrote this.

I can’t believe this was achieved by my brain,

It’s hard to understand, like the batman character.. Bane.

Did you see that film? No? That’s a shame.

I can’t believe this was achieved by my brain.

I struggle to believe this could be conceived by my mind,

hard to find, a more perfect design,

If talent was a crime, I’d be constantly fined,

I struggle to believe this could be conceived by my mind,

I can’t believe I wrote this.

I can’t believe I wrote this (louder)

I can’t believe I wrote this (shouting)

I can’t believe I wrote this (screaming)

But I did.

The Story

Sometimes I even surprise myself with my own ability. This poem was one of those cases. I performed this poem at a school assembly a few years after I’d left, I went back to give a talk about my success. Towards the end of the poem kids were covering their ears because it was too much emotion to take.

“I can’t believe he was invited back to give an assembly. He’d only just left for Secondary school, he’d achieved nothing. The kids were shaken up for days after”.

Mr Rhodes
Year 6 Teacher